The Johnson Preserve garden site is unique among Project Grow sites. It is our only site with no running water. The lack of running water has been less of a problem than we initially thought. The site began in 2017 and now has 19 gardeners in 25 plots. There is also a mixed wildflower/cultivar garden managed by several of the gardeners.

The soil is generally very clayey but has improved over the years. Most plots have some form of fencing. The site has full sun and convenient parking. The site is located in a nature preserve and is bordered by a bike path.

Unlike for our other garden sites, there is no registration fee or registration on the website. We are adding new plots for 2024 so those interested should go visit the site and then email

To visit:

Address – Just north of 4595 Platt Rd., Ann Arbor MI (south of the south entrance to Lillie Park)

Parking – Parking is available in a small parking lot near the cell phone tower.