You are viewing 1 event for 13 February 2024
Fundamentals of Organic Gardening
Learn how to develop and maintain healthy organic soil, the key to successful organic gardening. Understand the role that microorganisms play in building soil and promoting plant health. Discover how to employ composting, mulching, and cover crops to build soil productivity, increase microbial activity, and provide timely release of plant nutrients. Gain an understanding of what vegetable varieties work best in an organic garden and how to plant, cultivate, support, and manage their harvest as well as the basic principles of integrated pest management. Ages: 18 - Adult
Instructor: Royer Held
A long-time gardener, former Project Grow board member, board president and enthusiastic teacher, Royer Held has taught several classes for Project Grow over the years. Always informative and up-to-date, he is dedicated to understanding the balance we humans can find as stewards of this wonderful place we call Earth.
1 class