
Clague Garden is located at Bluett and Nixon Roads, on the property of Clague Middle School. It has 8 plots, 3 of which are perennial.

MAP OF GARDEN:  Clague Map


SOIL: The soil is considered clay loam, which is common in Ann Arbor. It has average nutrient holding

capacity. 3# nitrogen and 2.5# phosphorous are prescribed for a full plot at the beginning of the

season with regular applications of nitrogen and a little phosphorus throughout the season.

Clay soils hold moisture but don't give it up to plant roots. The soil structure will benefit from

the regular addition of organic material such as compost, peat moss, oak leaf mold, grass

clippings and leaves, etc.

Clague's soil is slightly alkaline, with a pH of 7.4. Most vegetable crops prefer neutral to slightly

acidic soil. Sawdust, composted leaves, wood chips, cottonseed meal, leaf mold and peat moss,

will lower the soil pH slightly. Application of 15# elemental sulfur is recommended for a full

plot to lower pH to about 6.5

INDIVIDUAL PLOT MAINTENANCE:  All gardeners are responsible for keeping weeds down in their plots and along the adjacent pathways. Various mulches may be used in your garden to inhibit weed growth, conserve water, and promote a hospitable micro-climate for plants and worms. Marsh hay is usually available in the spring, delivered to the garden from a local grower for a reasonable fee. If interested in learning more about marsh hay deliveries or for more information about mulching, contact your site coordinator or the office.

GARDEN MAINTENANCE:  The major perimeters of the garden are mowed by the Ann Arbor school district only if we keep the area free from organic refuse and other debris and stones. Compost your own organic material. Please pile rocks in designated areas break mower blades! Please take all non-organic materials home with you when you leave the site. Please help make the gardens beautiful this summer by maintaining your own plot and keeping the gardens free from debris, etc.

WATER:  The water comes from a spigot at the school. There are 400' of hose to contend with so water is stored in barrels at the edge of the garden. The hoses are used to fill the barrels. It is the responsibility of the gardeners, not the site coordinator, to keep the barrels filled, so please do your part to help. Do not leave hoses out in the lawn, as they get seriously damaged by the lawn mower. Please be a considerate guest on the school's property and keep hoses tidy.

COMPOSTING:  Any organic waste generated during the growing season may be tilled into the soil, placed in a designated compost area on-site, or taken home for composting by the city.  However, diseased plants should always be removed from the site, to minimize the presence of pathogens in the gardens.

TOOLS:  A supply of tools is kept in the top floor of the shed. Always return tools to the top floor of the shed after use. If you have any tools that you wish to donate to the garden, feel free to put them in the shed and then notify the Project Grow office.

COMMUNICATION:  Watch for postings on site regarding garden business. Expect a few phone calls asking you to help out with volunteer tasks. In recent years, we have also used the garden group email list to make important announcement.  If you have not already notified us of your email address, let us know right away! Finally, newsletters will also contain important information about upcoming projects and events.

ABANDONED PLOTS:  Plots that have not been seriously worked by June 1st or are overgrown with weeds taller than 18” at any point in the season will be considered abandoned and will be reassigned or solarized. Contact your site coordinator or the office if you are having problems getting started or if you have to abandon your plot.

FALL CLEAN-UP:  We seek to have the garden appear well-kept during the off season, so gardeners in perennial plots must close their plots as well. Pull out dead annuals and weeds or cut them to the ground. Cut non-infected plant materials into 12 inch pieces, compost in your plot or spread on your garden. Remove all tomatoes and diseased or once infected materials from your plot and discard at home. Remove stakes, trellises, tomato cages, etc. that are not in use and take them with you. Take home all inorganic material (i.e. watering jugs, plastic bags, fences, etc. ) Clean up and weed pathways within and around your plot. The site will be free of all Project Grow items at the end of October. Failure to clean up your plot according to the guidelines set forth in the Member Handbook may result in expulsion from the garden. 

Gardener Comments and Suggestions

  • Watering is a challenge at Clague.